Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

On this Mother's Day I feel so blessed to have the kind of husband who sends flowers and leaves a card from him and both of our girls, even when he's away in Texas for work! 
Sometimes motherhood is trying and difficult and flat out exhausting. However, it's more than worth it! Moments happen that offer encouragement and hope during hard times. One of those was this morning when I read my beautiful cards from Adam and the girls- pure acknowledgment, appreciation and encouragement. 
It makes me thankful to be a mom and to be the kind of mom I aspire to be. One who is gentle and slow to raise her voice. One who believes discipline is about teaching, guiding and problem solving, rather than punishment or rewards. One who doesnt withhold love when they've made a mistake. One that sits with them through tantrums, knowing the flood of emotions can be a difficult thing to understand; always being a constant presence of love and understanding during a scary time. One who is patient and continually giving unconditional love. 
I'm able to exercise motherhood and 'parenting' with Harlow and hopefully this baby boy who is on the way. However, the one who first taught me how to be a MOM, is Lyla. She taught me what the love of a mother was like and what it meant to be a mom. I carried her sick body, keeping her safe until it was her time to go. I cried many tears and prayed many prayers, waiting for a miracle. I held her, I loved her, I knew her. All she heard of this earth was the sound of my voice and my heart beating. All she felt of this earth was love. Thank you Lyla, for making me a mom! 

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