I meant to post about this on Good Friday, but I was feeling so sick from my exacerbated morning sickness that I've had the pleasure of experiencing this pregnancy, that I just didn't have the energy to start writing.
On Good Friday I was thinking about Jesus' crucifixion and everything He went through on his journey to the cross. He had such a short life on earth, but it was for one purpose and one purpose only- to please His Father and trust in His plan. I think of how he selflessly thought of each and every one of us- all of the sins and wrong choices we'd ever make, all of the people who would mock Him and never believe in Him... And he still chose to die for us, so those of us who believe, could live forever in heaven with Him. He was mocked and tortured and endured an agonizing death, all for the sake of the world and the human race, good and bad, that God created. He trusted in His father and had faith in His plan, even though at times I know it had to have been hard.
It reminds me of the faith I had in God when I was carrying Lyla, and it reminds me of the grace, compassion, love and understanding that I know he felt for me. Lyla was put on this earth for a short amount of time, but it was for purpose. Her purpose was fulfilled, and she was brought up to heaven to be with Him. All of the pain and sadness that overwhelmed me at times, was always quickly washed away but faith, love and understanding in His plan. I KNEW it was part or His plan, and I honestly trusted and followed it with my whole heart. I felt a strange amount of peace and comfort throughout my journey of having and losing her and its because I KNEW it was okay. I knew this was God's plan for my life and Lyla's life.
I also let myself grieve and feel the overwhelming heartache because I knew that He understood. He sent His son to earth for a short amount of time, for a purpose and plan, and had to endure His child dying. He knew exactly what I was feeling and was able to meet me wherever I was at in my pain and understand how hard it was for me to watch my child have such a short life and then die. He did the same. And now Jesus and Lyla are both in heaven, very much alive today!
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