Tuesday, June 4, 2013

"I Do Not Hide My Grief, As I Do Not Hide My Love"

I have written about this before. About how some people get so incredibly uncomfortable whenever I speak Lyla's name... Like they don't know what to say or how to respond. It's obvious from the frequency that I speak of her, that I am comfortable in my grief... And I wish others would find that same comfortability and open their eyes to reality.
Whenever these moments happen, I feel a few different feelings stir up inside me, and it's different almost every time. Sometimes I feel mad, and want to continue speaking about her, and make the person as uncomfortable as possible until I can finally muster up the strength to call them out on it and say something. Sometimes, I feel mad and have to leave the situation for fear of what I might say. Other times, I feel overwhelmingly sad and alone.... Shamed. Shamed for wearing what seems like my grief, but is really my love. 
This article inspired this post. There is no 'closure'. It will always exist. My love for her is expressed through my grief. And I will always speak of her, just as you speak of the love of your children. 

1 comment:

  1. I can finally post a comment on here.
    You never seize to amaze me.
    I love you!
