She is so funny and talks and talks (in her own language) and will go on full blown rants pointing her finger and everything.
This passion and vocals, combined with being tired from her anti-sleep stance and around the clock lack of sleep, makes for a very emotional and loud toddler.
People always wonder how the older kids 'are doing' or are 'handling' the arrival of their newest sibling. As my due date neared, I started entertaining that question that I had pushed to the back of my head my whole pregnancy. I hadn't even let myself begin to ponder what she would do, what she would think or how she would feel. Because quite frankly, I was worried. Harlow was our only baby here on earth- our rainbow and whole world. All of our attention was focused on her. Combine that with her already strong willed personality and I was anticipating a major jealous meltdown.
Although we have many days where I'm looking at the clock for bedtime or chasing her down trying to keep her quiet when Hawkins is finally napping, I am surprised to say, aside from the terrible 2's which we've seemed to hit early, she has handled her brother's arrival great! If she has an issue, or wants some attention that she feels she's not getting, her attitude is directed towards us, not her brother. Which is what I think is most important.
She has surprised me so much by being so loving, all on her own, right from the get go. She saw brother in the nicu and right away would say 'ooooh!!!' And then smile and laugh. She began giving him kisses the minute she could.
Now that we're home, all she does is come up and give him kisses. She will be in the middle of playing, come over to give him a kiss, and then resume playing. Or when he's nursing, she'll come over and rub his head while smiling. She also has adopted the routine that after his morning diaper change, she wants to hold him. We'll finish at the changing table and she will drop whatever it is she's playing with, run to my feet and take a seat on the carpet with her hands stretched out. She'll give kisses, rub his head and pat his back while saying 'mwah!' 'ooooh!!!' Or 'baba' (brother). Then push him back to me and finish playing :)
My heart melts everytime I see that! I am so glad they are just 16 months apart and I have a feeling they'll be best friends :)
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